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Have you ever wondered what life was like in the late 17th century in New England? Perhaps you've worked on a family tree and have listings of people, dates and places but asked yourself how your ancestors really lived and what events shaped their lives? If you have, then this book is for you!
Published in August 2002 by Stewart Publishing & Printing, "Godfrey Nims - A History of Colonial New England" by Denise Janet Choppin is now available in hard cover edition. The book contains 128 fully indexed pages (with endnotes) of history pertaining to Godfrey Nims, Deerfield Massachusetts and New England as well as an additional 126 pages of 13 generations of Nims descendents - 620 complete families all completely indexed in alphabetical order by surname.
If you would like to see if YOUR family is included in the book, simply click on the surname menu bar to the left - and if you want an idea of the chapter headings, again click on "What's in the book" on the menu bar.
ISBN 1-894183-15-0
Actual size measures 8-1/2 x 11" |

Now Available for Purchase!
Now available for purchase, the hard cover edition (black leather-like cover with gilt lettering) measures 8-1/2"x11" and has 228 pages of history and family trees and contains 33 illustrations, 2 maps and 6 tables and charts.
Price: $39.99 US Dollars or $49.99 Canadian Dollars
Contact Information Click here for orders or questions: santosj@globalserve.net Terms and Conditions Click here for Paypal Payment preferred through Paypal (www.paypal.com), money order or personal check (USA and Canada only for personal checks and please allow 15 days for checks to clear)
Shipping through first class mail: Rates are $10.00 in Canadian funds for Canada, or 10.00 in US funds for shipment to the United States. International slightly higher
CANADIAN BUYERS PLEASE ADD 7% G.S.T. (Total comes to $53.49 plus $10.00 shipping = $63.49)
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Godfrey Nims: A History of Colonial New England
All Links DirectoryThis is a listing of the various surnames contained in the family tree section of the book. For a complete listing of all surnames with first names included, click on the menu bar to the left:
Abbott Adams Alain Aldrich Allard Allee Allen Allison Alvord Ames Anderson Angell Aplin Applebee Archer Arey Arms Ashley Ashman Asselin Augustin Austin Avery Awde Axtelle Baas Baker Bakken Baldwin Ball Balog Banks Barbeau Barber Bardwell Barker Barlow Barnard Barnish Barr Barrett Barrow Bartlett Bates Baulne Bazinet Beal Beam Beard Beaton Beckler Bedard Begin Behr Belanger Belden Belding Bell Bellefeuille Bender Benevidez Benoit Benson Benton Birdsall Black Blackburn Blais Blodgett Blondin Blossom Bocock Boivin Bolles Bolton Boudreau Boutilier Brabant Bradley Braithwait Brammer Brasseur Brastow Brazauskas Brazeau Breed Bremner Brewer Briggs Brisebois Brisson Broadhead Bromley Brooks Brown Brunet Brunette Buckman Buffum Burcham Burdick Burech Burnap Burnham Burpee Burt Burzlaff Bushnell Buss Busskohl Butler Butterfield Cameron Camp Campanelli Campbell Carder Cardinal Carlan Carleton Carriere Carron Carruth Carter Cass Castonguay Castor Catlin Chabot Chagnon Chamberlain Chambers Chapin Chapman Charlebois Charron Chase Chatelois Cheever Chenier Chersky Chevrier Childs Choisser Cholette Choppin Christensen Clark Clasby Clesson Cleveland Clifford Clifton Cloutier Coakley Coal Cobb Colby Colcord Coleman Coles Collamore Collester Collette Collins Colton Combs Conkey Converse Cook Cooley Cooper Copeland Copp Corbin Cordon Corliss Cornish Corse Costopolous Courtney Cousins Couture Crawford Crevier Crosby Cross Crossett Crossfield Cummings Curley Curtiss Cushing Cutler Dalton Damon Dana Danca Daniels Darius Daum Davenport Davidson Davis Day De Carufel De Chantal Deguire DeHaan Delano Denlin Dennie Dennison Densmore Deradon Dermoedi Deschamps Deschenes Deschesnes Deveneau Devet Devoyeaux dit Laframboise DeWolf Dickenson Diffenbaugh Diguere Dodge Dodson Dole Donegan Dore Downing Doyle Drake Drouin Drown Drury Dube Dubeau Dubrul DuBuque DuFault Duffy Dunn Dunning Durkee Dutton Dwinnell Dykerr Dyste Earle Eastin Easton Eaton Eck Edwards Einspahr Ellis Emerson Emery Emes Emmet England Enneson Erickson Esty Evans Eveleth Farley Farnsworth Farrar Farwell Fauteux Faxton Fay Field Fields Fifield Finch Fish Fisher Fisk Flagg Flanders Flint Flood Flurie Foote Forbes Fortier Foster Fournier Fowler Franche Fraser Freeberg Freer French Frish Frizzell -Frost Furber Gage Gagnon Gaguin Gallagher Galloupe Garault Garcia Garland Gaudry Gaultier Gauthier Gautier Gavard Gavillon Gay Gehris Gemmill Gerard Gibbons Gibbs Gibson Gill Gilson Giraldo Gladish Gleason Glinka Golding Goodman Goodnow Goodrich Goodspeed Gorman Gougeon Gould Grace Grams Grant Grantz Gratton Gravis Gray Greenwood Greer Gregory Grennell Griffin Guerette Guerin Guertin Guldon Guild Guindon Gunn Gurney Gurnsey Habina Hale Hall Hallquist Hamelin Haney Hanna Hanson Hao Hardesty Hardy Harper Harris Hartman Harvey Harwood Hasford Hastings Hawkes Hawks Heaton Heink Henripin Henry Herendeen Herrick Hethrington Hewitt Higgins Hildreth Hillibert Hillman Hinds Hinsdale Hitchcock Hoit Holbrook Holloway Holmes Holton Honeyman Hoover Horton - Hosking - Hotte - Houghton - Houlier - House - Houser - Howden - Hoyt - Hubbard - Hudon - Hull - Humphrey - Hunter - Hurd - Hurtubise - Huston - Ignalls - Ilgen - Iredale - Jackson - Jameson - Jemmison - Jensen - Jepson - Jerome - Johnson - Joiner - Jolicoeur - Jolive - Jolliff - Jones - Jorgenson - Joslin - Joubarne - Jowett - Joy - Judd - Kearns - Kemp - Kendall - Kendrick - Kennard - Ketch - Keuster - Kilburn - King - Kingsbury - Kirkman - Kittredge - Knight - Knowlton - Kovick - Krieger - Krievins - Krostue - La Plante - Labonte - Lacroix - Ladouceur - Laferriere - Laframboise - Lalande - Lalonde - Lamark - Lamb - Lammy - Langevin - Langston - Lanthier - Larocque - Larocquebrune - Laroque - Laroquebrune - Larrabee - Larsen - Lascelles - Lattimer - Lauck - Lauer - Laurin - Lawrence - Le Guerriere - Le Lacheur - Leach - Leadley - Lebert - Leblanc - Leclerc - Lecuyer - Leduc - Lee - Lefebvre - Lefevre - Legault - Leger - Leinweber - Leland - Lemire - Lentini - Leroux - Lesure - Letourneau - Levy - Lewis - Lindsay - Linn - Lint - Littleton - Livermore - Locke - Long - Longly - Look - Lowrie - Lynch - Lyon - Macek - Macfarland - MacMillan - Macomber - Madden - Madere - Mainville - Major - Makin - Malet - Malette - Mallet - Mallette - Mann - Mantor - March - Marlott - Marsh - Marshall - Martin - Martindale - Marvin - Marwick - Masaitis - Mason - Massicotte - Massie - Masters - Mather - Matthews - Mattoon - Maxam - May - McAuliffe - McCargar - McClellan - McCloud - McCuddy - McCune - McDougall - McKee - McLennan - McLeod - McMahon - McNally - Mead - Mears - Mellish - Meloche - Menard - Menzel - Merriam - Merrill - Meyers - Middleton - Miles - Miller - Millet - Miners - Minnis - Miron - Miskimins - Mizel - Moga - Moloney - Monahan - Monette - Moody - Moore - Morisset - Morrison - Morrow - Morse - Moulton - Munch - Munick - Munn - Munroe - Murrant - Murray - Nadon - Nangle - Needham - Nesmith - Newcomb - Newell - Newhall - Newton - Nida - Nims - Nordin - Norton - Nourse - Nowicki - Nunn - Nunnally - Oberman - O'Brian - O'Connor - Oddo - Oiumet - O'Leary - Olson - Oman - Orne - Osburne - Osgood - Ouillet-Caille - Page - Palmer - Papineau - Paquette - Paradie - Pare - Parker - Parsons - Partridge - Patrice - Patterson - Payden - Peart - Pelletier - Pharand - Phillips - Philpott - Pierce - Pigott - Pilon - Pingree - Piper - Plaistridge - Plastridge - Plummer - Poirier - Pond - Pope - Portelance - Poulin - Pouliot - Powers - Pratt - Preble - Preston - Prevost - Price - Prince - Proulx - Prouty - Prudhomme - Prud'homme - Puffer - Pumphrey - Purcell - Quesnel - Quillon - Quin - Rabuck - Rainville - Raizenne - Ramier - Ramsdell - Randall - Ranger - Ranney - Ranson - Rapin - Rawson - Ray - Reade - Reed - Reeves - Regan - Regimbal - Reilly - Rein - Reyes - Rhodes - Rice - Richards - Richardson - Riedl - Rising - Risner - Ritter - Rivera Diaz - Robb - Robert - Roberts - Robillard - Rocbrune - Rogers - Rolfe - Rollins - Root - Rose - Ross - Rouleau - Roy - Royce - Rugg - Ruggles - Russell - Ryan - Rylander - Sabourin - Sage - Sanborn - Santos - Saucedo - Sauve - Savage - Sawtelle - Sawyer - Saxton - Sayers - Schaffner - Scharlotte - Schechterle - Scheuch - Schmidt - Schow - Schultz - Schwatken - Scott - Scripture - Seelinger - Seguin - Servant - Severance - Sewall - Seymour - Sham - Shaw - Shea - Sheerer - Sheldon - Sherman - Sherwin - Sherwood - Shute - Simonds - Simonson - Simpson - Sippel - Sitzberger - Skinner - Sklar - Smead - Smith - Sneirson - Snow - Sorenson - Sorgiacomo - Sosinski - Southeby - Southwick - Spaulding - Spencer - Sprague - Springborn - St. Amant - St. Denis - Staples - Starkey - Stauffacher - Stearns - Steel - Steele - Steely - Stevens - Stewart - Stocker - Stocking - Stokes - Stone - Stow - Strand - Stratford - Straz - Streeter - Striker - Sullivan - Sweaney - Sweeney - Swenson - Sylvester - Sylvestre - Tate - Taylor - Tefreault - Temens - Temple - Tenny - Tervort - Testerman - Thate - Thayer - Themens - Thivierge - Thomas - Thompson - Thomson - Thorpe - Tifft - Tolman - Tomic - Tosone - Toupin - Tourangeau - Towne - Towns - Townsend - Traine - Tramposh - Trask - Travis - Trotman - Truesdale - Trull - Tukey - Turner - Underwood - Vachon - Valade - Vallee - Van Nostrand - Villeneuve - Vinet - Voigt - Von Rosen - Wait - Walcott - Walker - Walls - Walraven - Ward - Wardwell - Ware - Warner - Warren - Washburne - Waterman - Watier - Watkins - Wayne - Weatherbee - Webb - Webster - Wedgewood - Weed - Weld - Wellman - Wells - Wetherby - Weymouth - Wheeler - Whitcomb - White - Whitmore - Whitney - Whitten - Wiggans - Wilcox - Wild - Wilde - Wilder - Wiles - Wilkinson - Willard - Williams - Williamson - Willis - Willson - Wilson - Winokur - Winslow - Winter - Wise - Witteveen - Woelich - Womack - Wood - Woodbury - Woodmansee - Woods - Woodward - Worthington - Wright - Wyant - York - Young - Zabloski
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