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Personal Nutritional Analysis - Customized just for you!

Welcome Winter Sunset

Welcome to our web site!

Nowadays with dieting, weight loss programs, calorie counting systems - not to mention serious medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol - it's all very confusing to actually know and understand whether you're truly eating everything you need to in order to maximize your health and well-being. 
You can read the labels (lite, low-calorie, new and improved, high fiber) but do they REALLY tell you whether you're doing what's right for YOU AND ONLY YOU?
We offer you a very cost effective way to find this out.  It's simple, you don't need to sign up for anything, you can try it as many or as few times as you like.  What we offer is totally CUSTOMIZED, CONFIDENTIAL and can be done for anyone - men, women, children, diabetics, mothers-to-be (or those planning to become moms), the elderly.
All you do is follow a very simple set of instructions that take only a few minutes a day, email us and within one week you will have complete reports and nutrional information.  No obligation, no marketing, no driving anywhere - simple and easy!

Let's say you want to have a complete analysis of your calories and nutritional intake.  Unless you have a very good insurance policy or a very serious medical condition, you would have to arrange a visit with a medical professional, wait for an appointment, go to the dietician's office and pay some very high fees.  We believe in providing this information in a much simpler way.

Our services are provided based on years of research and professional dieticians, but by using the internet as a source, we can provide you with all this information in a much easier and cost effective way.

If you are suffering from a specific medical condition or simply want to maximize your health and well-being, this is the place for you!

This month's special (regularly $70.00 US or $115.00 CDN)

Table setting

One week nutritional analysis: $16.99 US ($25.00 CDN)
Please get in touch with us to start to better understand how you're doing from a nutritional standpoint 

You can e-mail us at:

Your source for personalized nutrional information